Blog Archives

Low Power FM (LPFM) Channel Finder

April 15, 2012

The Low Power FM (LPFM) Channel Finder search tool provides potential applicants with a simple means to tentatively identify FM broadcast channels available in their communities. more…

March 2012 Meeting

April 5, 2012

Much thanks to SSL’s Brianna Peterson Magly and Jeremy Krug  for hosting the great presentation at the March meeting at HomeTown Buffet.


February 2012 Meeting Photos

April 1, 2012

Ellen Hyker  —  VISLINK Presentation

HomeTown Buffet  Clovis

Thanks to Ellen Hyker, Manager of Client Relations and Services at Vislink for a nice lunch and informative presentation.  714-231-1685


— SBE 66 March Meeting — Moved to Thursday April 5, 2012 — to accommodate presenters schedule

March 26, 2012

….. APRIL 5th, 2012. . .

12:00 PM  Lunch Presentation

Solid State Logic  Broadcast Equipment Demonstration Vehicle   –ON TOUR–

HomeTown Buffet   CLOVIS

The SSL Broadcast Equipment Demonstration Vehicle is a custom designed mobile production unit which is able to handle a broad range of on-air audio productions. The vehicle is equipped with our C10 HD compact digital audio console, our MORSE Router and the SSL Broadcast I/O range. The vehicle is also equipped with a Miranda multivi-vewer video monitor system, full Genelec 5.1 audio monitoring, RTS Comms system, Savant environmental control system and an array of related on-air production equipment. The truck demonstrates the capabilities of all of these systems and the degree of integration possible between them.  The SSL Broadcast Equipment Demonstration Vehicle was designed by SSL’s Project Engineering team, custom built by Shook Mobile Technology and is presented in association with our technology partners; Genelec, Miranda, RTS and Savant. more…

Recent Change at WWVB (60kHz) Could Affect Your Digital Clock/Wristwatch

March 26, 2012

Probably the most popular radio station in the United

States is WWVB on 60 kHz.  Almost all atomic clocks and self-

setting wristwatches are tuned to that station to obtain

the correct time of day.


Random Noise – March 2012

March 3, 2012
Dennis Thompson

Dennis Thompson

If the fact that you’re now browsing the MARCH edition of the SBE66 Signal on APRIL FIRST seems apropos, what can I say?  Sometimes things just work out that way, or as the case may be–just don’t work out. more…

NAB2012 in Las Vegas April 14 – 19

March 2, 2012



Conferences April 14 – 19, 2012/Exhibits April 16 – 19
Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
As a proud partner of the 2012 NAB Show, the Society of Broadcast Engineers is pleased to extend a special offer. more…

—– SBE 66 February Meeting —– Thursday February 23, 2012 12:00 PM

February 6, 2012

—        Lunch Presentation HomeTown Buffet        –Clovis–

MPEG-2 vs. MPEG-4  and… The World of 3G/4G Video Transmissions

(Shaw & Peach )    — Hosted Lunch —  Meet in back banquet room

Ellen Hyker, Manager of Client Relations and Services at Vislink, will be giving this months presentation at the SBE66 February meeting.    Known as the former West Coast Engineer on the Sprint Nextel project, Ellen worked with over 110 stations, and a dozen independent production facilities to transition them from analog to digital in the BAS bands during the 5 year project. Formerly the Technical Manager of NBC Nightly News and the Today Show in New York, as well as the Field Operations Manager at KNBC in LA, and Director of Operations at WMAQ in Chicago, Ellen has over 30 years of broadcast experience in a variety of technical, operational and editorial roles.

Can MPEG-4 Improve your ENG News gathering?

Get on-the-air with 3G / 4G video transmissions


FEMA Releases IPAWS OPEN Polling Information

February 5, 2012

Monitoring IPAWS OPEN

FEMA has released the information necessary to allow CAP compatible EAS equipment to poll the IPAWS OPEN system. Once equipment manufacturers update and release their firmware for this new system, you will be able to enter the following URL, into your encoder/decoder. more…

WRC-12 Comes to a Close in Geneva

February 1, 2012

The World Radio Communication Conference 2012 (WRC-12) concluded its deliberations this week with the signing of the Final Acts that revise the Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits. More than 3000 representing 165 out of ITU’s 193 Member-States attended the four-week Conference,


Key WRC-12 Highlights
