Monthly Meeting

January Meeting: Thursday January 30, 2014 7PM

January 25, 2014

It’s the SBE66 Annual BIG PIZZA BASH at Luna’s Italian Restaurant in Clovis

— Hosted by SBE66 —

Great Food – Fine Fellowship – Officer Elections


It’s TASTY  !!





December Meeting: December 19, 2013 12:00 PM

December 18, 2013

      Clovis HomeTown Buffet

It’s beginning to taste a lot like Christmas. . . more…

November Meeting: Thursday November 21, 2013 12:00PM

November 17, 2013

hosted by


Meadow Lakes BBQ/Picnic and Transmitter Tour

September 9, 2013

Saturday September 21, 2013  12:00pm – 3:00pm

Meadow Lakes Picnic Area


Where’s the Beef ?

Although this question has been asked many times before, the answer has always been less than satisfactory–until NOW!

Just ask these two guys:  

 Yes, our own Ken Holden and Pat Fennacy not only know where the beef is, but how to cook it, slice it and serve it. One might wonder how two guys so busy cooking themselves with RF could find time to master the deep-pit BBQ technique.  According to Pat, “I’ve spent so much time handing out baloney, that Tri-Tip seemed like a natural.” Good answer Pat!

Now we finally have the answer to where the beef really is. Find it for yourself by taking the short drive up to the  Meadow Lakes picnic area Saturday, September 21st. Remember, this is an SBE66 family-and-friends event, so you better not be the only one in the buggy on the drive up the hill.  As always, SBE will provide the Tri-Tip BBQ and refreshments, but there’s more. That’s where you come in. This is a pot-luck event.  Attendees whose last names end in A-K should bring salads and/or side dishes.  Names ending in L-Z should bring dessert items.  It’s OK to break the rules if you have a special dessert or side dish you want to bring.  Ice for the drinks is always welcome.  The festivities officially start at noon, but help setting up the tables is always appreciated if you can arrive earlier.  We’ll also figure out how to throw in an official SBE66 meeting (short) somewhere along the way.

After you can eat and drink no more,  join the caravan  for a quick tour of your favorite Central Valley Broadcast transmitter facilities.  That, my friends, is no baloney!

See you at Meadow Lakes, Saturday September 21, at Noon.  Don’t miss it!

August Meeting: August 29, 2013 12:00PM

August 19, 2013




Thomas Driggers, RF Specialties of California, Inc.   &  Ellis Terry, Nautel West Region Sales Manager


    Ellis Terry

Ellis Terry has been doing RF sales in the West Region of the US since
1998. Prior to joining Nautel, Ellis worked at Harris and BE (Broadcast
Electronics) in the same capacity.
Ellis also has an engineering background of 30 plus years having worked
as staff engineer, Chief Engineer and Director of Engineering in Chicago,
Washington DC, Houston, Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco
Ellis was also SBE certified as a Broadcast Technologist and is a graduate
of DeVry Institute, and holds a MBA from Chadwick University.

Tom Driggers

Tom Driggers provides broadcast engineering services and web design services.  In addition, he handles equipment sales with RF Specialties of California, in the Central California region, and RF Specialties of Washington, Inc. in the Pacific Northwest region.  Tom’s 35 years of experience in radio and television, began when he entered the broadcast industry at age 13.  From small to major markets, Tom has designed, built and maintained everything from studios to high power transmitter facilities.  He has complete end-to-end knowledge and experience in all functions of a broadcast facility, including building construction and modification, computer/IT, audio, video, RF, preventative maintenance, procedure, documentation and FCC law compliance. Tom has also owned and operated radio stations
–Your chance to meet Ellis Terry and Tom Driggers is, Thursday August 29th, at the HomeTown Buffet in Clovis.  This hosted lunch presentation from RF Specialties and Nautel is the August meeting for Central Valley SBE chapter 66.  Meet in the back Banquet room.

July Meeting: (special date) August 1, 2013 12:00PM

July 22, 2013


DIGITAL 9000 Wireless Microphone System

–Hosted Lunch– Presentation by Brian Walker

 Clovis Hometown Buffet

With the new Digital 9000 system, Sennheiser provides the answer for the most demanding applications, such as multichannel broadcast and theater production in high RF environments. In these situations, the engineer carries the responsibility of  making the event happen every day with flawless precision – mistakes and drop-outs are unacceptable… and there’s no second chance when you go live.  Now – after more than a decade of research and development – Digital 9000 presents the world-class digital solution that professionals can only expect from Sennheiser. Digital 9000 offers uncompressed digital audio transmission, free from termodulation, with stunning purity of sound and dynamics far ahead of analog wireless transmission. 

 Brian Walker is a Market Development Manager for Sennheiser Electronic Corporation.  As a Market Development Manager, Walker provides support to customers on the full range of Sennheiser, Neumann and K-Array products ranging from microphones, headphones, speakers and wireless mic systems.
Born and raised in Southern Oregon, Walker got a late start in Broadcasting at the
age of 14, spent 8 years on-air in radio and 16 years as an engineer for AM, FM and TV stations.  He is a member of SBE Chapter 124.  Walker lives with his wife and son near Portland, Oregon.

         SBE66 July Meeting

 August 1, 2013  12:00PM Lunch

CLOVIS  HomeTown Buffet   Shaw & Peach

Hosted by Sennheiser      Meet in Banquet room

June Meeting: June 27, 2013 12:00 PM

June 24, 2013

Clovis Hometown Buffet

Meet in banquet room–Pay as you enter

May Meeting: May 30, 2013 12:00PM

May 25, 2013

Networked Audio Consoles

A Long and Winding Road

-Hosted Lunch- Clovis HomeTown Buffet


Logitek Electronic Systems, founded in 1979, manufactures digital audio routers, audio consoles,
console/router control accessories, and audio level meters.
    Networked Audio Consoles have been around for almost 15 years.  Initially introduced as TDM systems, they have undergone their first real metamorphosis to AoIP.  Understanding the benefits and limitations of the various networked system architectures is essential.
   Frank Grundstein, CBRE, CBNT, Director of Sales at Logitek (pictured on left), will discuss some of the elements of networked systems and how they can affect your selection process.  Recent efforts to standardize the AoIP protocols will also be discussed at the May meeting hosted by Logitek.  Meet Frank Grundstein and see new products from Logitek including JetStream with “Enco Inside”-the first platform to incorporate automation playout running within the platform.

          SBE66 May Meeting

   May 30, 2013  12:00PM Lunch

   CLOVIS  HomeTown Buffet

             Shaw and Peach

Hosted by Logitek       Meet in Banquet Room

March 2013 Meeting Photos

April 24, 2013



April Meeting: April 25, 2013 12:00PM

April 15, 2013

-Hosted Lunch-  Clovis HomeTown Buffet


Walt Gumbert presenting from Rohde & Schwarz one of the world’s leading manufactures of test & measurement, communications and broadcasting equipment.

Solid State technology vs. IOT technology — Where we stand today

 Join us for a discussion of the latest technologies being considered for high efficiency solid state design, including Doherty.  It may be possible to reduce your power bills up to 50% when compared to classic designed transmitters

Learn how Rohde & Schwarz is implementing such technology in its medium and high power transmitters.


–Your chance to see Walt Gumbert’s presentation on power amplifier efficiency is Thursday April 25th, at the HomeTown Buffet in Clovis.  This hosted lunch presentation from Rohde and Schwarz is the April meeting for Central Valley SBE chapter 66.