It occurred to me, while looking around the room full of hungry engineers at our last meeting—a good one it was thanks to Brian Walker of Sennheiser, that a lot of us have been in this business a long time. more…
Notes from the editor.
It occurred to me, while looking around the room full of hungry engineers at our last meeting—a good one it was thanks to Brian Walker of Sennheiser, that a lot of us have been in this business a long time. more…
Just a reminder not to miss the July lunch meeting, yeah the one on Thursday, August 1st! Our Chairman has put together another fine presentation, this time with the folks at Sennheiser. more…
“Knock, knock!” “Who’s there?” “Your eighth harmonic.” “Your eighth harmonic-WHO?” more…
“Measure TWICE, Cut ONCE.” I believe that’s the phrase I’ve heard the do-it-yourself builder guys and gals say on the many home improvement shows I get to QC at the TV station. If our industry had such a phrase it might read like this: “Check TWICE, transmit ONCE”. Looking at the FCC’s summary of enforcement actions, and the increasing fines, there are more than a few things to check twice. more…
It has been said that: nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool. I seem to have no problem proving this as I wander around the TV station. Setting off an alarm with an errant click of a mouse is a daily occurrence for me. more…
The spectrum real estate wars continue. The Wireless Association, CTIA has requested to the FCC that spectrum from the recently reallocated broadcast auxiliary service (BAS) be reclaimed for commercial use. more…
It was nice to see many of you at last months Pizza Bash, always a fun evening. As usual, officer elections were held and, as usual, the sound of the freight train was heard! Our 2013 crew are; Ken Holden, Chairman; Pat Fennacy, Vice Chairman; and Steve Dresser, Secretary/Treasurer. Please help them out this year with any suggestions or leads you may have for upcoming meetings. Also consider becoming a member of your local SBE Chapter 66 (if you’re not already) and when possible, attending the monthly meetings. We’ve been known to put on a good show why not be a part of it! This month is no exception as we have a presentation on the new CALM act. Ken Dillard, Senior Enterprise Account Executive of Digital Nirvana will be hosting lunch at the HomeTown buffet, read more about the meeting HERE. more…
Most of you probably already know that the SBE 66 community lost one of its long-time engineers when Randy Stover passed away on December 27th. Randy had been the radio frequency coordinator for the Central Valley more…
Many thanks to Joe Falcone, Doug Mullin, and JVC for a fine meeting last month. This months meeting is a non hosted event at the HomeTown Buffet. Please pay as you enter, and grab a chair in the back banquet room. Bring any ideas you may have for the Chapter in 2013. We certainly have had an exciting year with many informative presentations. more…
Don’t feel so bad if your station ad revenues are a bit lighter after the election. According to recent published reports, Clear Channel is reporting about five billion dollars of debt. Panasonic posted an 8.8 billion dollar loss—not good for the company stock.