Central Valley
FCC Applications and Actions
November 2024
Assignment of Authorization Granted: 11-19-2024 =33252= FOWLER 1210 KQEQ FROM: AKAL BROADCASTING CORPORATION TO: Moreno Equities (Guillermo Moreno) Construction Permit Granted: 11-15-2024 =785862= CHOWCHILLA 102.3L1 =New LPFM= Humboldt County Hispanics For Education Fund Call sign request Accepted for Filing: 11-19-2024 Construction Permit Granted: 11-15-2024 =787840= OAKHURST 92.7L1 =New LPFM= Mountain Community Radio Transfer of Control Application Accepted for Filing: 10-24-2024 =51122= HANFORD 620 KIGS FROM: AKAL BROADCASTING CORPORATION TO: NACHHATAR DHALIWAL Construction Permit Amendment Accepted for Filing: 10-25-2024 =786696= LEGRAND 102.3L1 =New LPFM LeGrand Bible Christian Church