relations efforts and a visual look back at 50 years of SBE history.
relations efforts and a visual look back at 50 years of SBE history.
The SBE National Meeting is this month in Indianapolis, Ind., in conjunction with the annual IT/ Engineering Workshop presented by the Indiana Broadcasters Association (IBA). more…
written by Douglas W. Garlinger, CPBE, 8-VSB, CBNT
The FCC has recently released a Report & Order detailing some rule changes that are very beneficial to AM radio stations, particularly those that employ directional arrays. more…
The SBE has submitted comments in response to the FCC’s Further Notice Of Proposed Rule making in PS Docket 109-19, which addresses modifications to the Part 90 rules regarding Traveler’s Information Stations (TIS). more…
By Chris Imlay, SBE General Counsel
For those SBE members whose work involves television ENG, you need to read this, right now. There are ongoing, fast-moving negotiations among SBE, NAB, the Department of Defense, and NTIA that will likely have a profound effect on broadcasters’ use of the 2 GHz BAS band in the very near future. more…
The annual election for the SBE national board of directors began on July 26 and will run through August 27. Voting members should have received an email on July 26th from Intelliscan, the SBE’s e-election vendor, with a unique link to the special election website. Those members who opted out of electronic voting will receive their ballots in the mail.
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