Blog Archives

WRC-12 Comes to a Close in Geneva

February 1, 2012

The World Radio Communication Conference 2012 (WRC-12) concluded its deliberations this week with the signing of the Final Acts that revise the Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits. More than 3000 representing 165 out of ITU’s 193 Member-States attended the four-week Conference,


Key WRC-12 Highlights


January 2012 Officer Elections

January 27, 2012

Officer elections for Central Valley Chapter 66 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers were held at the January 2012 meeting at Luna’s Italian restaurant in Clovis, California.

Elected officers are as follows:

            CHAIRMAN:            KEN HOLDEN

            VICE CHARIMAN:        PAT FENNACY


January 2012 Meeting Photos

January 27, 2012

Luna’s Pizza Bash January 26, 2012

Good food and fellowship at the annual Italian dinner and pizza bash.

Newly elected officers for 2012:

KEN HOLDEN — Chairman

PAT FENNACY — Vice Chairman

STEVE DRESSER — Secretary-Treasurer


December 2011 Meeting Photos

January 23, 2012

Hometown Buffet  December 29th, 2011


 Lunch with the Gang at SBE 66 in the newly renovated  banquet  room at the Hometown Buffet in Clovis.

FCC Releases R&O on Changes to EAS Rules

January 22, 2012

FCC releases Fifth R&O EB Docket 04-296

On January 10, 2012, the FCC released its Fifth Report and Order on EB Docket 04-296 regarding the Emergency Alert System. The report implements CAP into the EAS rules and revises the Part 11 Rules. more…

January 19, 2012

test this out…

Welcome to the New Look of SBE66 SIGNAL Online

January 19, 2012

Beginning January 2012, all issues of the Central Valley Signal, the monthly newsletter of the Central Valley chapter of SBE will be posted online. more…

Al Kinney Passes California Professional Engineer “PE” Exam

January 19, 2012

 SBE66 now has a licensed California Professional Engineer in its ranks.

AL Kinney, P.E.


Many good engineers struggle with the electrical PE exam. It’s a pretty long exam; about 8 hours with two 40 question sections. A lot of people take the exam many times before they pass, and the experience can be excruciating.  It takes a great engineer to pass the test on the first try which is exactly what Al Kinney did. more…