Blog Archives

January Meeting: Thursday January 26, 2017 7:00PM

January 23, 2017



                                                – Hosted by SBE66 –




Be There or Be Hungry

The Society of Broadcast Engineers Forms EAS Advisory Group

January 20, 2017

The Society of Broadcast Engineers has actively worked as a source of information for the Emergency Alert System since it was launched.
As the system has developed and evolved to include new technologies and alerting partners, so has the SBE adapted to be the most effective and thorough resource for broadcasters to use to implement their EAS efforts. more…

Initial Findings of the 2016 EAS Nationwide Test

January 17, 2017

At the end of December, the FCC released an initial overview of the nationwide EAS test results and highlighted several opportunities for strengthening the EAS. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) and the National Weather Service (NWS), conducted a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) more…

December Meeting: Thursday December 29, 2016

December 21, 2016

12:00 Noon    No-host Lunch

Mitsui Buffet

117 West Shaw  Clovis

(Wild West Village Shopping Center between Villa and Minnewawa on Shaw-North Side)

Mention you’re with the SBE group when you enter for seating

Random Noise: December 2016

December 20, 2016
Dennis Thompson

Dennis Thompson

Our last official 2016 gathering of the Central Valley Chapter 66 SBE group will be Thursday December 29th. Join us at the new Mitsui Buffet location in Clovis for the lunch meeting which begins at noon. more…

SBE Introduces RF101: Broadcast Terrestrial Transmission Systems Course

December 18, 2016

Module 1 – Introduction to Radio Frequency (RF)

Instructional MethodLive webinar, January 26, 2017    2:00 pm – 3:30 pm ET more…

November Meeting: Thursday November 17, 2016

November 15, 2016

New Place – Same Time

12:00 Noon    No-host Lunch


Mitsui Buffet

117 West Shaw  Clovis

(Wild West Village Shopping Center between Villa and Minnewawa on Shaw-North Side)

Mention you’re with the SBE group when you enter for seating

October Meeting: Thursday October 27th 2016

October 26, 2016

Tang Dynasty

(Shaw and West)


12:00 noon No Host Lunch

Meet in Back Dining Area

(pay as you enter)


Meadow Lakes BBQ/Picnic and Transmitter Tour

September 14, 2016

Saturday September 17, 2016  12:00pm – 3:00pm

Meadow Lakes Picnic Area


Where’s the Beef ?

Although this question has been asked many times before, the answer has always been less than satisfactory–until NOW!

Just ask these two guys:  

 Yes, our own Ken Holden and Pat Fennacy not only know where the beef is, but how to cook it, slice it and serve it. One might wonder how two guys so busy cooking themselves with RF could find time to master the deep-pit BBQ technique.  According to Pat, “I’ve spent so much time handing out baloney, that Tri-Tip seemed like a natural.” Good answer Pat!

Now we finally have the answer to where the beef really is. Find it for yourself by taking the short drive up to the  Meadow Lakes picnic area Saturday, September 17. Remember, this is an SBE66 family-and-friends event, so you better not be the only one in the buggy on the drive up the hill.  As always, SBE will provide the Tri-Tip BBQ and refreshments, but there’s more. That’s where you come in. This is a pot-luck event.  Attendees whose last names end in A-K should bring salads and/or side dishes.  Names ending in L-Z should bring dessert items.  It’s OK to break the rules if you have a special dessert or side dish you want to bring.  Ice for the drinks is always welcome.  The festivities officially start at noon, but help setting up the tables is always appreciated if you can arrive earlier.  We’ll also figure out how to throw in an official SBE66 meeting (short) somewhere along the way.

After you can eat and drink no more,  join the caravan  for a quick tour of your favorite Central Valley Broadcast transmitter facilities.  That, my friends, is no baloney!

See you at Meadow Lakes, Saturday September 17, at Noon.  Don’t miss it!

August Meeting: Thursday August 25, 2016

August 24, 2016

SBE Hosted Lunch Meeting 12:30 PM

Super Buffet  Hanford

208 N 12th Ave.

(get directions here)


The SJV FCC Local Area EAS Meeting will be held from 10:00AM – 12:30 PM Thursday August 25 at the Hanford NWS (prior to SBE Lunch)  The SJV EAS Local will be finalizing the updated Local Area Plan and will select a replacement of the NWS as the LP1 due to technical issues

— Please consider allocating time to attend this meeting —

The SJV EAS Local needs your input on issues that will affect your station


NWS HanfordSan Joaquin Valley Weather Forecast Office NWS

900 Foggy Bottom Rd, Hanford, CA

            (get directions HERE)


Please Call SBE Chairman Ken Holden (559) 289-2891