Chairman’s Message: September 2023

September 15, 2023
Jaime Gonzalez

Jaime Gonzalez

Well, it’s that time of the year again.  No, not the end of Summer, but time for the annual SBE BBQ at the Meadow Lakes Picnic area. This is one of my favorite gatherings, as it gives me the opportunity to meet and greet  friends and family of my fellow broadcast engineers. If you are planning to make the drive up the hill for the first time, click —HERE–   for directions.

 Ken Holden will be continuing the tradition of SBE (Some Big Eaters) by cooking up his famous Tri-Tip in the barrel that we all like and crave this time of year. The weather should be great, so there will be no reason for you and the family not to head up the hill for this  great event at the beautiful Meadow Lakes Club Picnic Grounds. If enough guests are interested, transmitter tours will also be available after lunch and clean-up, so be prepared to see the latest projects at many sites.  Remember all are welcome, so bring the family and interested friends for a great afternoon.  More information and the schedule of what to bring to share for lunch can be found HERE  See you all at Meadow Lakes this Saturday, September 16th around noon.

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