SBE HAMnet – an Alternate Way to Stay in Touch

December 8, 2015
SBE HAMnet, the Society of Broadcast Engineers’ “Chapter of the Air,” was developed more than 25 years ago for those SBE members not in close proximity to a local SBE chapter but could communicate via amateur radio. Since then, it’s become a great way for members, including those active in local chapters, to be in touch with one another, discuss technical broadcast issues and techniques, and get the latest information on SBE programs and activities.
The High Frequency (HF) HAMnet takes place on the second Sunday of every month at 2400 GMT. Hal Hostetler, CPBE, WA7BGX, of Tucson, AZ, has served as net control since almost the beginning of the program. The published frequency is 14.205 MHz. Occasionally that frequency is busy and participants need to move up, no more than 10 kHz, to find the SBE meeting.On the first and third Mondays of each month at 9:00 p.m. US Eastern Time (6:00 p.m. Pacific Time), SBE HAMnet is on the Internet Repeater Linking Project (IRLP). The IRLP is a method of connecting different repeaters across the country and the world via the Internet. The net control station connects to the Denver, CO, IRLP reflector, which allows other repeaters and the Echolink system from all over the world to connect to it, creating a net that all can hear from their local repeater or computer.SBE member Jack Roland (KEØVH), CBRE, AMD, CBNT, who developed the idea of using the IRLP as another way to get SBE members together, said, “We came up with the idea for this net because the SBE HF ‘Chapter of the Air’ is not always accessible by HAMs who cannot erect HF antennas, and because of the HF band’s susceptibility to HF radio propagation characteristics.”

For more information about the IRLP net and how to participate, go to or, you can contact Jack Roland, KEØVH, net control The HF SBE HAMnet and IRLP HAMnet are official functions of the Society of Broadcast Engineers.

Want to receive an email reminder the day before, and the hour before, each monthly SBE HAMnet broadcast (HF or IRLP)? Members of the SBE may contact Scott Jones at the SBE National Office at or 317-846-9000. Provide Scott with the email address you wish to use and he’ll add you to the list to receive timely email reminders.

Photo courtesy of Jack Roland, CBRE, AMD, CBNT (KEØVH).

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