–Hosted Lunch–
Presentation and Demo of New JVC Cameras and LCD Monitors
Joe Falcone District Sales Manager/Professional Video Products Doug Mullin Regional Sales Engineer/Digital DivisionPowerPoint presentation and demonstration of New JVC cameras and LCD’s. Hands-on demo of the new JVC GY-HM600 series of cameras that will fit News and Production requirements. Information on how the camera can use Wi-Fi to transmit video files to any location. The cameras can shoot in many formats and can be set up for editing to get around the Log and Transfer requirements of today. Also, an up-close look at LCD monitors. Multiple use, 24”, 21”, 17”, 9”, 7” and 5” LCD’s will be shown.
HomeTown Buffet CLOVIS 12:00PM Lunch Presentation
–Meet in the back banquet room–