Random Noise — August, 2012

August 18, 2012
Dennis Thompson

Dennis Thompson

No doubt most of you have already reserved your spot on the upcoming bus trip to tour the famous SUTRO tower in San Francisco.  If not, there is still seating available.

Have a family member or friend who would like to come along?  There is still seating available.  Do you have a Ham radio buddy who thinks they’ve seen the ultimate in antenna support structures?  They ain’t seen nothing yet!  For a mere $35.00 (lunch included) bring them along to see the mother of all towers.  Get more information HERE and then contact Steve Dresser to make your reservation–time is running out.  If you’ve signed up–or think you’ve signed up, make sure your name is  HERE.

Great things are also in store for September.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday September 22, 2012 for the Meadow Lakes Picnic and BBQ.   If you’ve ever been to one, I don’t have to convince you to make the pleasant drive up the hill.  If you’ve never been there, we’ll have more information soon, so set aside that Saturday afternoon for a BBQ and tour of the Meadow Lake transmitter sites.  You can’t beat the price–FREE!

I’ll leave you with a  LINK  to an open letter to the National Weather Service from the Broadcast Warning Working group, concerning a problem familiar to many of us.

Again, if you haven’t signed up, or corralled a few fanatical friends, for the SUTRO trip, space is still available but time is running out.  I’ll look forward to sharing the bus with you.

OK, OK,  just one more thing. . . . . here’s how to find the  LATEST on NASA’s Curiosity Rover on Mars.  See you at Sutro.

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