Random Noise — July, 2012

July 20, 2012

Dennis Thompson

Dennis Thompson


Some last minute changes are causing us to reschedule this months program on Thursday, but we’ll still be hanging out in the Banquet room at the Clovis HomeTown Buffet at noon (July 26th) so please join us.

The BIG news is that the long awaited Sutro tour is now reality.  SBE66 has charted a bus to leave from Fresno on Saturday, August 25th.  Even though seating is limited this should give us enough room to accommodate all who want to go.  Make sure to set aside the entire day for the excursion.  Plans are to leave Fresno around 6am and return at 6pm.  More detailed information will be posted on the SBE66 website and also emailed directly to you about the trip as it is updated.  Some information on the famous SUTRO tower is included in this newsletter to whet your appetite.   Vice President of Sutro Tower, Eric Dausman will be our tour guide.

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