Monthly Meeting

Meeting: Thursday November 17, 2022

November 8, 2022


Hosted (pre)Thanksgiving Feast


6PM Thursday Nov.17

Hosted Dinner


  Valley PBS KVPT CH18
    1544 N Van Ness Ave
  Corner of Van Ness and Calaveras
    Courtesy of KVPT TV
 Ventura Broadcasting Company
      — Todd Lopes —
Need more information, questions, or you would like to bring guests? Please RSVP to Jaime Gonzalez (559) 266-1800 ext.380
Parking available in front studio parking lot, Calaveras Street and behind the studios from alley-way access off of Calaveras

October Meeting: Thursday October 27, 2022

October 26, 2022

12:00 Noon   No Host Lunch

Mitsui Buffet

Mention you’re with the SBE group when you enter for seating. 

mitsui-buffet117 W SHAW AVE. CLOVIS

SBE66 Annual Meadow Lakes BBQ

September 8, 2022

Saturday September 17, 2022

12:00pm – 3:00pm

img_1682 Time again for the fun-filled, good time guaranteed, SBE 66 Meadow Lakes BBQ

So, grab your truck, car, SUV, EV, mountain bike, skateboard, Segway, etc. and take the short drive up to the Meadow Lakes picnic area Saturday, September 17th. Remember, this is an SBE66 family-and-friends event, so be sure to bring a friend, relative and/or the family pet. As always, SBE will provide the Tri-Tip BBQ, table settings and refreshments.

But we still need your help. This is a pot-luck event. Attendees whose last names end in A-K should bring dessert items. Names ending in L-Z should bring salad/side dishes. Remember, It’s OK to break the rules if you have a special dessert or side dish you want to bring. Ice for the drinks is always welcome.

The festivities officially start at noon, but help setting up the tables is always appreciated if you can arrive earlier. We’ll also figure out how to throw in an official SBE66 meeting (short) somewhere along the way.

After you can eat and drink no more, join the caravan for a quick tour of your favorite Central Valley broadcast transmitter facilities


 Saturday September 17, 2022  12:00pm – 3:00pm                Meadow Lakes Picnic Area    

                              BE THERE !!   (or be hungry)

September 8, 2022

SBE 66 August Meeting Reminder

Thursday August 25, 2022  12:00 PM

 12:00 Noon   No Host Lunch

Mitsui Buffet

Mention you’re with the SBE group when entering for seating. 



July Meeting: Thursday July 28, 2022

July 27, 2022

ATSC  3.0 Presentation




UNISOFT specializes in the provision of encoding, transmission and monitoring products for delivery of ATSC 3.0 based TV programs.


sbe-atsc3-0-logoTHURSDAY JULY 28

6:00 PM Valley PBS CH 18

Dinner Provided – Join Us !

ATSC 3.0 Presentation & Demonstration              sbe-nextgentv  VALLEY PBS 1544 Van Ness  Ave.

                                                                                (Van Ness & Calaveras)

June Meeting: Thursday June 30, 2022

June 28, 2022

Mitsui Buffet

Mention you’re with the SBE group when you enter for seating. 

mitsui-buffet117 W SHAW AVE. CLOVIS

May Meeting: Thursday May 26, 2022

May 23, 2022

12:00 Noon   No Host Lunch

Mitsui Buffet

Mention you’re with the SBE group when you enter for seating. 

mitsui-buffet117 W SHAW AVE. CLOVIS

April Meeting: Thursday April 28,2022

April 26, 2022

12:00 Noon   No Host Lunch

Mitsui Buffet

Mention you’re with the SBE group when you enter for seating. 


March Meeting: Thursday March 31, 2022

March 29, 2022

12:00 Noon   No Host Lunch

Mitsui Buffet

Mention you’re with the SBE group when you enter for seating. 


February Meeting: Thursday February 24, 2022

February 23, 2022

12:00 Noon   No Host Lunch

Mitsui Buffet

Mention you’re with the SBE group when you enter for seating. 
